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Woodstock enters into a strategic partnership with Hacken to secure its portfolio companies

2 minutes

Hacken team is pleased to announce a new partnership. Woodstock, an emerging technology investment firm that supports early and growth stage Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) startups and companies, has decided to enter into a strategic partnership with Hacken. Woodstock’s investment focus encompasses such areas as infrastructure, decentralized finance (DeFi), NFT and Tokenization, and Web 3.0 protocols.

Woodstock management realizes that the number of exploitable vulnerabilities in web applications is constantly increasing due to a recent surge in the number of web 3 applications across multiple layers. Woodstock recognizes the high level of professionalism of our specialists and their focus on meeting ethical standards. Woodstock considers partnerships with reputable and trusted security vendors as the opportunity to promote the rapid and secure development of its ecosystem. 

Despite ongoing globalization processes, there is still a significant divide between the East and the West. This division is also evident in the world of blockchain technologies. Woodstock is the firm that is building the east to west corridor between the India/Asia blockchain ecosystem and the US and Europe.

The Hacken team is proud to contribute to the unification of the blockchain world through a partnership with Woodstock.

We are looking forward to sharing more information about our new partners with you. Keep an eye out for our announcements; the end of this year will be packed with useful media releases.

About Woodstock

Woodstock is an emerging technology fund focusing on investments in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) space. It is one of the most significant funds building the East to West corridor between India/Asia blockchain ecosystem with the US and Europe.

For more information about Woodstock, please refer to these channels:

Woodstock Website

Woodstock Telegram

Woodstock Twitter

Woodstock Medium

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