Hacken provides all types of Cybersecurity Services for the Global IT industry
Hackers-who are they? Computer geniuses or evil spawn? Spamhaus, the largest DDOS attack in history slowed the functionality of the entire Internet across the planet. The Carbanak virus led to $1 billion losses. The Bitcoin-exchange Mt.Gox was closed in 2014 due to the theft of 850,000 BTC (Bitcoin). These and other shocking cases are registered daily. With all this in mind, Hacken is dedicated to creating the reliable protection at all levels of our daily lives.
Your Faithful Cybersecurity Guard
Hacken is a cybersecurity company established to bridge the gap between the cybersec communities worldwide and the emerging blockchain industry, promoting “white hat” ethics, while fortifying the digital landscape. Its ecosystem provides high-quality penetration testing and vulnerability assessment services for customers’ products. Moreover, throughout the bug bounty process vulnerabilities are detected providing a fast, cost-effective fortification of the client’s infrastructure.
Hacken’s experts ensure highly effective preventive measures unique to each project. All this is accompanied by quality assurance, cost-effectiveness and timely delivery of services meeting the clients’ needs and requirements.
Let’s dig deeper to learn why organizations are addressing Hacken to protect their systems, networks, and architecture.
Anti-phishing protection
As you know, the prefix “anti” means the opposition to something. In the case of phishing (a type of internet fraud), Hacken is strongly opposed! Tens of thousands of people become victims of this cybercrime every day. Typically, a phishing attack is a deceptive email or text, aimed at getting users to disclose their personal information to the attackers. These deceptive messages usually take the form of a formal email from a company with an upstanding reputation. For example, a hacker targets a trusted bank’s customers. An email is sent out to unsuspecting victims instructing them to confirm their confidential account details. The links in these emails take the user to a seemingly normal website, identical to that of the bank’s. However, the distinction between the real site and the fake one is determinable by the website’s URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) code. When a user enters their confidential information on the fake website, the data is collected and used, in this case, to withdraw money from the owner’s account.
In the case of the fraudulent bank email, specialists from Hacken apply filters to detect phishing messages, and then compare the specified URI codes to ones catalogued in a database of known malicious URIs. Another way Hacken detects phishing sites is based on their malicious behavior blocking them automatically every time you happen to come across them.
Hacken’s anti-phishing services also include educational material for users on how to recognize phishing emails and dangerous sites, how to protect their computer and mobile devices, the best practices for choosing secure passwords, and how to block fraudulent Google ads and fake social media accounts that use your brand or likeness for nefarious ends.
Hacken successfully rescued Jibrel Network’s sales portal from several organized phishing attacks just 30 minutes before their token sale started. Needless to say, Jibrel’s ICO was a major success.
Review how a phishing attack looks like
Some of our clients: Jibrel Network, Nucleus Vision, Remme, Crycash, Ambit, Neuromation.
Penetration Testing
Most online businesses are highly susceptible to external attacks. Hackers are able to penetrate their internal network and gain access to business-critical systems, finally getting full control over the company’s IT infrastructure.
To prevent this catastrophic situation, Hacken offers its customers a unique penetration testing service designed to identify any existing vulnerabilities throughout their IT infrastructure. Penetration testing has become a global standard for companies that depend on IT (information technology) systems.
Upon starting a new cybersecurity relationship with a client, Hacken begins with a preliminary assessment of vulnerabilities and follows up with a set of recommendations necessary to qualify the systems for the next phase of research. Next, expert pentesters check mobile applications to ensure cryptocurrency customers and investors can use them without compromising security. Finally, complex penetration testing involves checking the company’s servers; this analysis is the deepest.
The key directions of Hacken’s assessment are:
- Authentication.
The application’s authentication controls the mechanism as it processes the identity of individuals or entities.
- Session Management.
The application’s session management controls the mechanism as it traces the activities performed by authenticated application users.
- Input Manipulation.
The application’s input controls the application processes inputs received from different interfaces and/or entry points.
- Output Manipulation.
The application makes it possible to gain information from temporary Internet files, cookies and other application objects.
- Information Leakage.
We determine the type of information transferred back to the user or stored in the client’s machine.
After Hacken experts complete their assessments, customers are given a report containing comprehensive details of the company’s cybersecurity strengths and weaknesses. The client is also provided with a description of the testing process, including all identified vulnerabilities and a complete list of recommendations for the security improvement.
Some of our clients: Membrana, Qbao, Kuna, Remme, TTC Protocol, DataVLT, .
Smart Contracts Audit
If you plan to run a project on the Ethereum blockchain (or any other cryptocurrency), you probably know about the importance of conducting a third-party audit of your code. A qualitative external audit ensures your smart contract functions the way you expect. It eliminates vulnerabilities in the code and double-checks the logic of your program. A minor error or defect in the logic of a smart contract can lead to crushing financial loss.
Considering the fact that a simple error in the code can destroy all the efforts of your team, Hacken not only tests the code of your smart contract but also documents the process of deploying the code. This procedure includes matching the compiler version, the deployment order, and the design parameters of each contract initialized. Hacken’s customers will then receive a details report of the audit.
A code audit performed by Hacken gives you peace of mind and much more confidence in your smart contracts.
Some of our clients: Legolas Exchange, NapoleonX, Membrana, Indorse, Selfllery, Ambit, TTC Protocol, e-Mal, PumaPay.
Crypto Exchange Ranks
Crypto Exchange Ranks (CER) is a self-maintained product of the Hacken Ecosystem, conducting a 24/7 real-time analysis of data from crypto exchanges. This information is analyzed through advanced application of mathematical economic modeling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, linguistic programming, and cybersecurity assessment. As a result, users have an access to a comprehensive report, detailing a broad range of risk evaluation parameters of widely-used cryptocurrency exchanges. Crypto Exchange Ranks significantly improves everyday decision-making processes of individual investors, institutional investors, traders (HFT), crypto exchanges, independent governmental agencies, and traditional financial institutes.

Vulnerability Rewarding Platform HackenProof
The HackenProof vulnerability platform has gathered a great number of skilled, ethical hackers from all over the world to organize bug bounty programs for the clients. The white hats conduct safe, controlled hacking attacks, including penetration tests, to improve the cybersecurity level of the client. Any and all dangerous actions performed by white hats are done only after prior agreement with the customer. This entire scanning process is transparent and thoroughly planned out in advance. Critical business processes and systems are never violated; vice versa, business receives constant reports from researchers.
A bug bounty program is a challenge for ethical hackers and other cybersecurity specialists through which they are compensated for finding errors in the customer’s software, especially those relating to exploits and vulnerabilities. The client receives a full report of all detected bugs and vulnerabilities in his product, while the researchers get a worthy financial reward for their professionalism. This method is perfect for both software developers and white hats to mutually benefit.
Giant corporations such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft often organize bug bounty contests to test their new products and software updates, paying remuneration ranging from $500 to $3130.
Some of our clients: VeChain, Neverdie, TTC Protocol, everiToken.
Cybersecurity forum HackIT
HackIT is the most prominent profile event for hackers and highly competent computer specialists. The purpose of the event is to identify problems and solutions in the context of a constant information war, as well as training specialists in this sphere, which is an important strategic direction for both private organizations and for the whole world. The participants are expected to take part in CTF challenges and workshops, attend the speeches of the respected representatives of the industry, and much more. This year it will be the fourth conference that will include world industry leaders and the best white hat hackers to discuss the issues of blockchain and IT worlds.
Secure Way Of Doing Innovative Business
When in doubt whether to trust security of the systems to in-house employees or to hire specialists — the right answer is, of course, to hire specialists! An independent safety assessment is a must.
Since cyber attacks can irreparably damage your business, security must be a top priority. Without due care and preparation, you run the risk of losing your most valuable digital assets.

With Hacken, you get access to cutting edge cybersecurity solutions allowing you to remain 10 steps ahead of the black hats. No matter what online industry you engage in, Hacken is here to embolden and re-empower your systems, returning your time and peace of mind that was once taken by the black hats.
About Hacken
At Hacken, we take security extremely seriously, and all the checks are performed according to the highest standards. If you have any questions about the topic or need a consultation, feel free to contact our Team!
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Hacken partners TTC Protocol to Build a Secure Blockchain
HackIT: the conference that’s once in a lifetime
VeChain Launches Bug Bounty Program on HackenProof
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