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Blockchainhackers VII: post-meetup reflection

3 minutes

November has become one of the hottest months of 2021 for blockchain and DeFi security enthusiasts. The capital of Portugal Lisbon hosted a number of major industry events. And the Hacken team is proud to note that we successfully conducted our regular meetup in this city – Blockchainhackers VII. During this gathering, our invited speakers demonstrated their presentations devoted to the most discussed and important topics for crypto professionals including the security of cross-chain bridges, the mechanism of effective smart contracts audit, and, of course, guests had a chance to get valuable insights into Solana since the hackers meetup took place simultaneously with Solana Breakpoint 2021

Below you can find the links to the presentations demonstrated by our speakers:

  • Gabi Urrutia, “Cross-chain, a bridge to centralization?”, Director of Offensive Security, Halborn

View Gabi’s presentation

View Scott’s presentation

  • Evgeniy Bezuglyi, “Smart contract audit – much more than simply the auditor’s responsibility”, Lead Auditor, Hacken

View Evgeniy’s presentation

During his speech, Hacken Lead Auditor Evgeniy Bezuglyi shared information about the unique approach to smart contracts audit taken by Hacken. The detailed information about the new Methodology of smart contracts audit is provided in the file. Under this methodology, the key to a successful security testing process is the pre-audit work performed by a client. Clients should realize that the better they understand their own projects, the higher the chance that a security audit performed by a professional vendor will be successful.

Our event was attended by specialists representing both famous reputable brands and startups. They came from different countries and even continents to communicate with each other and get unique knowledge. 

After presentations, the guests had a chance to listen to the highly professional panel discussion devoted to blockchain security. During this panel discussion, the panelists shared their personal points of view on this topic, provided their arguments and suggestions on how to strengthen security, and were open to all questions asked by the public. 

After the official part, there were a few hours of networking during which participants could get to know some security secrets and interesting facts from our speakers in a friendly atmosphere. 

Generally, Blockchainhackers VII was a great knowledge-sharing event for DeFi security enthusiasts. We can proudly say that the security of the DeFi world is built during such meetups.

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