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Autumn Report 2018

2 minutes

Getting ready for the Christmas festivities, we almost forgot to sum up Hacken’s accomplishments for the past autumn!

Frankly, this autumn was as busy as the last one but less magical (crypto is down or what?). Nevertheless, we managed to run HackIT for the 4th time (!), protect a number of businesses from various industries, and become more mature and proficient. Where to begin?


At the beginning of October, we ran HackIT 4.0. The conference was a major success: renowned speakers, an onsite bug bounty marathon, roundtables, panel discussions, afterparties, the trip to Chernobyl, and a lot more networking. HackIT not only provided the visitors with cybersecurity insights but also entertained and united people from various spheres.

hackit autumn report


HackenProof started an important initiative of responsible disclosure of data leaks, encouraging companies to implement responsible disclosure policies for their products. Nokia, American Express, Kars4Kids caught the spotlight with breached or unencrypted databases; as a result, large media outlets such as Forbes, TechCrunch, and ZDNet along with others wrote about the noble activities of Hacken specialists.

autumn report hackenproof


Crypto Exchange Ranks went through major alterations! First of all, we need to mention the new dashboard — Blockchain Balance RTD. From now on, CER is going to build the ratings based on an additional metric — hot and cold wallet balance. Transparency Hacking Initiative is aimed at reclaiming the authority of trading volume as one of the most reliable metrics when rating exchanges. The project has already brought us public addresses from some of the largest crypto exchanges thanks to our transparency hackers … and exchanges themselves! That’s right, after CER investigations into wash trading and fake volumes, trading platforms started contacting us and offering cooperation. Indeed, CER is moving steadily towards becoming the voice of the industry. Now we’re offering certifications: Security, Liquidity, Community, and Storage. The main objective of CER continues to be ensuring the maturity of the market by enhancing the business standards of crypto exchanges through regulating exchanges and eliminating unfair players.

autumn report cer


This autumn we decided to reveal the expertise of our technical specialists. In our cybersecurity blog, we posted articles written by smart contract auditors and pentesters. Interesting fact: it was a Hacken specialist who created the methodology of penetration testing of crypto exchanges and wallets.

autumn report Hub Hacken

Family News

In November a new CMO joined the Hacken family. Igor Pertsiya previously worked as the Head of Sales at CEX.io so he has experience in crypto and blockchain technologies.

However, the need for cybersecurity services didn’t go down. Autumn 2018 acquainted us with such prominent projects as TTC Protocol, e-Mal, PumaPay, Covesting.io, and a number of other private clients.

That’s all for this edition of Hacken Autumn Report. Keep updated on all our forthcoming events and news at our official Telegram.



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  • HackIT
  • HackenProof
  • CER
  • Hacken

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