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Proof of Reserves Explained: From Key Mechanics To Verification

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In the years following the high-profile exchange collapses of the early 2020s, the Web3 landscape has undergone a significant transformation. Recent regulatory scrutiny and new scoring methodologies have put Proof of Reserves (PoR) in the spotlight, marking a shift towards proactive transparency measures, becoming a key requirement for establishing trust in the crypto ecosystem.

What is Proof of Reserves (PoR)?

Proof of Reserves is a verification method that allows cryptocurrency exchanges and other custodial services to publicly show that they hold sufficient assets to cover all user deposits. It’s an auditing process that provides transparency and assurance to users that their funds are safely held and readily available for withdrawal.

After the FTX collapse, which was one of the most popular crypto exchanges in the USA and the world, transparency and PoR became increasingly “popular” or demanded in the industry to enable more trust for users. 

At its core, PoR addresses a fundamental question: “Does this platform have the assets it claims to have?” By implementing PoR, exchanges can answer this question with verifiable proof rather than mere assurances. PoR is usually displayed on a website or an analytics database, where the data can be fetched and displayed in real time. 

Key Components of PoR

A comprehensive Proof of Reserves system usually contains the following components:

  1. External Audit Firms: Internal audits and external auditors provide additional assurance of the exchange’s claims. They help to make the process infeasible for manipulation and more useful in assessing the outcome. At Hacken, we provide such audits for players in the space
  2. Cryptographic Proof: Cryptography is also traditional in most PoRs. It facilitates the verification of huge amounts of data while helping to maintain confidentiality.
  3. Public Verification Process: The ability for users to independently verify the audit results is a hallmark of a transparent PoR system.
  4. Regular Audits/Assessments: Proof of Reserves is not a one-time event. Regular audits or assessments (e.g., monthly or quarterly) ensure an exchange’s solvency. 

Let’s take a closer look at how Merkle Trees work in the context of PoR:

import hashlib

def create_merkle_tree(transactions):
    if len(transactions) == 1:
        return transactions[0]
    new_level = []
    for i in range(0, len(transactions), 2):
        left = transactions[i]
        right = transactions[i+1] if i+1 < len(transactions) else left
        combined_hash = hashlib.sha256(left.encode() + right.encode()).hexdigest()
    return create_merkle_tree(new_level)

# Example usage
user_balances = ["Alice:100", "Bob:50", "Charlie:75", "David:200"]
merkle_root = create_merkle_tree(user_balances)
print(f"Merkle Root: {merkle_root}")

This code demonstrates a simple implementation of a Merkle Tree, which allows exchanges to prove the inclusion of user balances without revealing the entire dataset.

Why Does Proof of Reserves Matter?

Proof of Reserves in the cryptocurrency ecosystem is essential and should never be undermined.

In an industry ridden with doubts and failures from past incidents, PoR works as a ray of hope. It allows exchanges to exhibit their integrity and financial capabilities and substantiate the confidence of users and other prospective clients.

Whereas regulators worldwide are still trying to figure out how exactly to regulate the crypto asset industry, exchanges that follow PoR show that they are ready for transparency and work responsibly. This approach is particularly useful in avoiding potential consequences of regulatory compliance. 

Users have the right to know their assets are safe. Whereas before, PoA users or agencies had to believe whatever reports an exchange said, Proof of Reserves gives users the ability to check whether their funds are gone or in place.

Because PoR proves a financial institution’s solvency, panic-led bank runs can be avoided. Exchanges that offer effective PoR strategies stand a good chance of remaining in business as there is excessive competition for users who value security more than any other issue.

Here is an example of Binance’s Proof of Reserves implementation:

Here is an example of Bybit’s Proof of Reserves transparency through Hacken, which doesn’t disclose the amount of assets but rather % ratio:

Applications of Proof of Reserves: A Comprehensive Overview

The application of Proof of Reserves (PoR) extends far beyond the initial use case of cryptocurrency exchanges. Let’s go deeper into each application, exploring the unique cybersecurity challenges and implications they present:

1. Centralized Exchanges (CEXs)

PoRs were traditionally meant to be for crypto exchanges and serve as a crucial trust-building mechanism. However, it also presents some challenges:

  • Data Privacy vs. Transparency: CEXs must balance the need for transparency with the obligation to protect user data. This often involves implementing advanced cryptographic techniques such as zero-knowledge proofs or homomorphic encryption.
  • Real-time Auditing: The dynamic nature of exchange balances necessitates near real-time auditing capabilities. This requires robust, automated systems that can handle high-frequency updates without compromising security.
  • Cold Wallet Integration: Many exchanges store a significant portion of user funds in cold wallets for enhanced security. PoR systems must be designed to verify these offline assets without exposing them to online vulnerabilities.

2. Real-World Assets (RWAs)

As blockchain technology extends to tokenized real-world assets, PoR systems face new challenges:

  • Off-chain to On-chain Verification: Bridging the gap between physical assets and their digital representations requires secure oracles and tamper-proof IoT devices. This introduces new attack vectors that must be carefully managed.
  • Regulatory Compliance: RWAs often fall under traditional financial regulations. PoR systems for RWAs must be designed to comply with these regulations while maintaining the transparency expected in the crypto space.
  • Multi-jurisdictional Challenges: RWAs may exist across different legal jurisdictions, complicating the verification process and requiring PoR systems to adapt to various legal frameworks.

3. Liquid Staking

Liquid staking introduces unique challenges for PoR implementations:

  • Double-spending Prevention: PoR systems must ensure that staked assets are not double-counted or double-spent. This requires careful tracking of both the staked assets and the liquid tokens representing them. This is more an issue from the blockchain side and is usually solved by the consensus mechanism and underlying protocol. 
  • Validator Set Verification: In addition to asset verification, PoR for liquid staking must also verify the integrity of the validator set to ensure the security of the underlying blockchain.
  • Slashing Risk Management: PoR systems need to account for potential slashing events, which can affect the ratio between staked assets and liquid tokens.

4. Stablecoins

For stablecoin issuers, PoR is critical in maintaining trust and stability:

  • Collateral Diversity: Many stablecoins are backed by a diverse range of assets. PoR systems must be capable of verifying multiple asset types, potentially across different blockchains or traditional financial systems.
  • Real-time Peg Maintenance: PoR plays a crucial role in maintaining the stablecoin’s peg. This requires real-time monitoring and rapid response mechanisms to address any discrepancies.
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: As stablecoins face increasing regulatory attention, PoR systems must be designed to meet evolving compliance requirements while maintaining transparency.

5. DeFi Protocols

In the context of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), PoR faces unique challenges:

  • Composability: DeFi protocols often interact with multiple other protocols. PoR systems must be able to trace and verify assets across complex, interconnected systems.
  • Flash Loan Considerations: The existence of flash loans in DeFi introduces the possibility of temporary, large-scale balance shifts. PoR systems must be designed to handle these rapid fluctuations without triggering false alarms.
  • Smart Contract Verification: Beyond asset verification, PoR in DeFi often involves verifying the integrity of smart contracts themselves, introducing an additional layer of complexity.

Technical Mechanics of Proof of Reserves

The underlying technology can be quite complex. Let’s explore the technical underpinnings of PoR systems in greater detail:

Zero-Knowledge Proofs in PoR

Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are increasingly being integrated into PoR systems to enhance privacy and efficiency. Two popular ZKP protocols used in PoR are:

  • zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge): zk-SNARKs allow for extremely compact proofs, making them suitable for on-chain verification. However, they require a trusted setup, which can be a security concern.
  • zk-STARKs (Zero-Knowledge Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge): zk-STARKs offer similar benefits to zk-SNARKs but don’t require a trusted setup, enhancing their security properties. 

They produce larger proofs but are considered quantum-resistant.

Blockchain Oracles in PoR

Oracles play a crucial role in bridging off-chain data with on-chain smart contracts. In PoR systems, they’re often used for:

  • Asset Price Feeds: Providing real-time price data for accurate valuation of reserves.
  • Off-Chain Asset Verification: Verifying the existence and ownership of off-chain assets backing on-chain tokens.
  • Cross-Chain Communication: Enabling PoR systems to verify assets across multiple blockchains.

Verifying Proof of Reserves: A Technical Guide

Understanding the verification process is crucial for cybersecurity professionals. Hacken provides a PoR verification platform where users can verify various exchanges themselves. Implementing such systems yourself requires an in-depth analysis and even development integrations.  

Here’s a more detailed look at the verification steps if you need to implement or verify PoR for your exchange or application:

  1. Blockchain Analysis:
    • Use block explorers to verify on-chain transactions and wallet balances.
    • Implement automated scripts to monitor large transfers or suspicious patterns. 
    • Integrate on-chain analytics platforms. 
  2. Audit Report Scrutiny:
    • Examine the methodology used, including sampling techniques and statistical models.
    • Verify the independence and credentials of the auditing firm.
    • Look for consistency in reporting formats and frequencies across multiple audit periods.
  3. Merkle Proof Verification:
    • Implement a Merkle proof verification algorithm to check individual account balances against the published Merkle root. 
    • Integrate Merkle Proof Verification. 
  4. Smart Contract Interaction:
    • For on-chain PoR systems, interact directly with the smart contracts to verify reserve data.
    • Implement automated monitoring of these contracts for any significant changes or anomalies.
  5. Cross-Reference Multiple Sources:
    • Compare on-chain data with published audit reports and real-time API endpoints provided by the platform.
    • Implement anomaly detection algorithms to flag discrepancies between different data sources.

These are some of the methods, that together could provide a Proof of Reserves audit. 

Red Flags to Watch For

If you monitor an application’s PoR, here are some red flags to watch out for:

  • Absence of Audits: The absence of or prolonged audits are the first red flags because they show the comfort of audit that the platform shall alleviate and offer normal service and full compliance. 
  • Clear Methodology: Equally worrying is if their methodology is unclear; hesitancy regarding implementation details or the PoR process and a lack of openness should raise eyebrows instantly, as this opposes the reason behind PoR, which is openness. 
  • Centralization: Over-centralization of verification processes is another issue that needs to be dealt with. Third-party auditors are indeed needed, but putting all of the verification on one single entity poses a deadly single point of failure to the whole system. 

By being alert for these warning signals, stakeholders may further shield themselves from possible threats and help preserve the general health of the digital asset environment.

Hacken’s Proof of Reserves

Hacken’s approach to PoR audits represents a comprehensive security solution beyond simple asset verification. Our Methodology focuses on Proof of Liabilities, Ownership, and Reserves wholeheartedly. 

  1. Proof of Liabilities:
    • Involves a thorough analysis of all user deposits and outstanding loans.
    • Employs privacy-preserving techniques to generate accurate liability reports without exposing individual user data.
  2. Proof of Ownership:
    • Utilizing on-chain verification and smart contract analysis.
    • Implementing advanced techniques like signed messages to prove control over assets.
  3. Proof of Reserves Assessment:
    • Conducting in-depth querying of in-kind assets.
    • Employing statistical methods and real-time pricing data to ensure reserve stability.

From a cybersecurity perspective, Hacken’s methodology addresses key concerns such as data integrity, privacy preservation, and comprehensive risk assessment. Read more about Hackens’s PoR Methodology

Final Thoughts

Proof of Reserves (PoR) is a positive innovation in the space as it brings together cryptography, blockchain analytics, and traditional auditing. As digital assets become more integrated into mainstream finance, it is important to design and implement PoR Systems for cybersecurity personnel better.

Key takeaways:

  • PoR is transforming from an enhanced asset verification to a dynamic, thorough assessment of a company’s financial operations and liabilities.
  • The technical implementation of the PoR includes quite complex cryptographic procedures with certain security implications. Professionals must do it. 
  • As new assets and threats emerge in the digital asset environment, PoR methodologies must adapt and evolve with the sector.

We are more than ready to open and integrate PoR for your platform so that you can ensure the trust and transparency that is much needed in the space. 

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Table of contents

  • What is Proof of Reserves (PoR)?
  • Key Components of PoR
  • Why Does Proof of Reserves Matter?

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