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Crypviser is to take part in Hacken Cup

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HackenProof is delighted to state that a German cybersecurity company Crypviser is taking part in an onsite bug bounty marathon Hacken Cup where top 25 hackers are going to test the application to the limit!

The Crypviser Network is an all-in-one decentralized communications platform, featuring not only instant messaging, voice and video calls, but also a secure crypto wallet, local protection features and more. Users can access the network through user-friendly mobile apps.

Onsite bug bounty marathon is taking place today in Kyiv, Ukraine. Bug bounty platform HackenProof is bringing hackers from all over the world: USA, Netherlands, India, Denmark, Germany, France, Egypt, Ukraine, Sweden. Our hackers have found vulnerabilities in companies like Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Yahoo, Apple, Adobe, Uber, Dell, IBM, SANS, etc; they have a wide range of specialization: web, mobile, smart contracts, IoT.

Crypviser is also going to take part in an international cybersecurity conference HackIT that will take place this October in Kyiv, Ukraine. This would be a great opportunity for anyone who personally wants to meet Crypviser team and hang out with some of the best cybersecurity professionals in the world.

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