Who are Transparency Hackers?
Why? The need for cold & hot storage as a metric for ranking exchanges
Today crypto exchanges are ranked according to their trading volume almost everywhere. The metric could be credible. BUT! You all know that exchanges manipulate their trading volume. Moreover, most exchanges operate as a closed structure not providing information necessary for traders to make proper investment decisions.
With the help of transparency hackers and CER, we’re going to bring back trust in trade volume as one of the relevant metrics for exchange ranking. CER is launching a crowdsource framework for exchanges’ Hot and Cold balance detection. The framework will comprise 4 puzzles of wallet evaluation system; this means that the process of approval involves 4 sides: transparency hackers who will actually provide the wallet address, the exchange, CER’s partners, and the CER team. By utilizing this framework, we’ll bring back trust to ranking exchanges based on their trading volume.
Who are transparency hackers?
Transparency hackers are the ambassadors of truth. They are interested in enhancing exchange quality and want to receive a bounty for their activities. For CER, transparency hackers find crypto exchanges balance: hot and cold wallets of the different crypto exchanges to determine how much money each of them holds. They know where to find the necessary information to disclose crypto and blockchain manipulations.
Benefits of being transparency hacker
- get the financial reward for disclosing exchange’s public wallets (1 cold wallet submission ” 50 HKNs and 50 Karma points; 1 hot wallet submission ” 5 Karma points);
- become an opinion leader;
- become an official CER ambassador in your region;
- get access to the hottest insights within a closed community of transparency hackers.
How to become a transparency hacker?
- Register on CER (it’s absolutely free!)
- Login into your profile (add photos, personalize parameters ” it’ll be your second Facebook page рџ’‚ )
- Start to add wallets! (use the button in the right)
- Receive bonuses!
The crypto industry is extremely challenging and promising, but it has to be developed and strengthened. It has to mature! You can be among the people who make the difference.
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