Hacken Saved Nucleus Vision from Phishing Attack
Company Name: Nucleus Vision
Company description: IoT technology to create real-time customer intelligence for stores
Service: Anti-Phishing Protection
How do you imagine the perfect shopping experience? Can it be entering the store or any other institution and seeing an ideal dress, a pair of shoes, car, house, laptop, or any other thing without spending hours and months looking for them? Or something even more whimsical, receiving recommendations regarding the perfect jeans or sofa that are based on information about your taste, preferences, way of life, and style? It sounds like a futuristic utopia, but, in fact, this reality is almost here, and we will have an opportunity to enjoy it rather soon.
The owners of these shops will have a clear idea about their customers. Thus, they will be able to serve people perfectly, save their time, and receive sincere loyalty. Nucleus Vision is the company that makes this utopia closer, and Hacken will carry out its mission of protecting the future from the evil cybercriminals!
What is Nucleus Vision?
Nucleus Vision is a system of contactless identification, which allows retailers to analyze the identity of the client and offer them a higher level of service. The Nucleus Vision uses the Ethereum Network to conduct all the transactions and real-time sensors to obtain customer data necessary for retailers and other traditional businesses. According to the developers of the project, today, offline retailers are unlikely to provide personal price and other offers for their customers, due to the impossibility to distinguish one from the other. The Nucleus Vision platform will help to formulate recommendations that are of interest to a particular client and determine an acceptable level of price for them.
Buyers will receive nCash tokens for each visit to stores equipped with the Nucleus Vision system. nCash is the decentralized cryptocurrency of the Nucleus Vision ecosystem, which is used to perform transactions of various kinds. In the first quarter of 2018, the Nucleus Vision launched their ICO releasing 10 billion nCash tokens with a hardcap of $40 million. At that time they needed Hacken’s help.
Hacken Repelled Phishing Attacks
Considering all the bright perspectives, it’s challenging even to imagine what is going to happen if the company storing so much private information is hacked. In this regards, safety is the highest priority for Nucleus Vision, and that is why the company initiated cooperation with Hacken.
Even before the company has revealed its genuine power, the cybercriminals became interested in it. Hacken has provided our well-known anti-phishing service. Let’s review in detail what actions were launched by the black hats and what response our technical team gave. Be attentive and compare the links!
Blocked or marked as phishing browser domains
Authentic one: https://nucleus.vision
Fake ones:
Prevented fake Twitter campaign
https://twitter.com/NucleusVision VS https://twitter.com/IcoVision (fake)
Blocked fake Telegram group
https://t.me/NucleusVision VS https://t.me/nucleusvisionvn (fake)
- All phishing crypto wallets were marked as fake what prevented the loss of funds.
- Anti-email spoofing was set and spam-mailout was blocked to prevent fake emails.
- To promote the further activity in this sphere, Hacken helped Nucleus Vision to register the trademark and Digital Millennium Copyright.
At the moment, Nucleus Vision is trusted by 100 brands, and it’s only the beginning. Hacken Team did their best to repel phishing attacks to help Nucleus Vision maintain its fair name. All in all, the future of the technologies that are being developed by Nucleus Vision depends on the safety of the company’s system.
About Hacken
At Hacken, we take security extremely seriously, and all the checks are performed according to the highest standards. If you have any questions about the topic or need a consultation, feel free to contact our Team!
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